4 minutes read  |  Valeria Hristova

Case Study: SEO Optimization for 615 Auto Rental

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Case Study: SEO Optimization for 615 Auto Rental

615 Auto Rental is a premier car rental service in Atlanta that offers a wide range of vehicles to meet the diverse needs of its customers. With a focus on customer satisfaction and convenience, 615 Auto Rental has established a strong presence in the market. However, to further enhance their online visibility and drive more organic traffic to their website, they required a comprehensive SEO strategy.


The primary challenge was to improve the search engine rankings of 615 Auto Rental's website in a highly competitive market. The website needed to be optimized for relevant keywords, improve user experience, and comply with the latest Google SEO guidelines.

Our Approach:

Our SEO team at VEVS implemented a multi-faceted SEO strategy to address these challenges:

  • Keyword-Rich Meta Tags: We crafted descriptive and keyword-rich meta tags for each web page to improve their relevance to search queries and increase click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Optimized Images: All images on the website were optimized with relevant ALT-tags and descriptive file names, aiding in better indexation by search engines and improving the site's accessibility.
  • Engaging Content: We generated engaging and informative content, incorporating location-targeted long-tail keywords to capture a wider audience and improve local search visibility.
  • Technical SEO: A well-structured robots.txt file and a comprehensive sitemap were created to facilitate better crawling and indexing of the website by search engines.
  • Website Structure: The website's structure was refined to provide a seamless user experience, ensuring that visitors could navigate the site intuitively and find the information they needed with ease.
  • Compelling CTAs: Strategically placed calls-to-action were implemented across the website to guide users towards conversion points, such as booking a rental or contacting customer service.
  • Image Size Optimization: We optimized image sizes to ensure fast loading times, which is crucial for both user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Content Expansion: The website's content was expanded to provide more comprehensive information about the services offered, establishing 615 Auto Rental as an authority in the car rental industry.
  • Mobile Optimization: The website was fully optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly experience across all platforms.
  • Internal Linking: We strengthened the internal linking structure to distribute page authority throughout the site and enhance the overall SEO performance.


Post-implementation of these SEO enhancements, 615 Auto Rental's website became significantly more search-engine friendly and user-centric. The website now loads faster, offers a better mobile experience, and ranks higher for targeted keywords in search results. These improvements have led to an increase in organic traffic and higher engagement rates.



The strategic SEO improvements made to the 615 Auto Rental website have not only aligned it with the latest Google guidelines but have also provided a solid foundation for sustained online growth. The website is now poised to capture more leads and convert visitors into loyal customers.

For those interested in seeing more transformations like this, we invite you to review additional case studies on our page: VEVS Car Rental Software SEO Services.

If you're looking to enhance your website's SEO and drive meaningful results, contact us via the contact form or email us at contact@vevs.com. Let us help you make your website your most powerful sales tool.

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