8 minutes read  |  Kremena Petkova

Win your customers with a creative and inspiring About Us page

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Win your customers with a creative and inspiring About Us page

One of the most underestimated pages on lots of car rental websites is the About us page. This is truly unfair and you will soon find out why. So make sure your page is one that would win your customers’ respect and appreciation for the car rental services you offer.

Oftentimes, the about us page would be the first place your website visitors would go to. And it’s the logical thing to do. There is no harm in knowing a little more about the people and cars when about to rent a car through a car rental website. You might be surprised but your about us page is quite often the page that won someone as a customer. Prices and rates do matter, but if people get your attitude from the start, few dollar differences from the competitors will not matter as much.

Let’s get to the core. What is the About us page for?
It’s to show people what you can do, how you do it, why you do it and of course why should you do it for them if they choose your car rental services. On that page, you should speak directly, speak proudly and highlight your best qualities. Tell them about your values too. It’s nice to know how the people you are about to hire think and create a picture of how they would be treating you in return. Remember to stand behind your name too. Mention the people behind the nice logo and company name you put above in the header too.

Show your customers how far you’ve come.

Trying to summarise your company’s growth in a short timeline. This would make your consistency shine, as well as your passion and creativity.

Think about the milestones that you have reached while building your car rental business. 

  • What was your first car?
  • When did you expand and bought more vehicles?
  • When did you hire more people to work with you because you started getting more and more rental bookings?

All these things matter and you need to point them out. You don’t have to be modest when you speak about your business. Right on the contrary, the best strategy is just being confident!

Be yourself, that’s your best strategy when it comes to talking about your business. Don’t put too much fluff about your facts because your customers would automatically sense it. And even though you’d love to have your content help you rank higher on Google and have more website visitors, you are still talking to real people.

Don’t sound too generic.

If you are experiencing trouble writing down your content, it might be a good idea to commission a professional writer who would put your ideas into words and make them sound more natural.

Study your competitors.
Go to their About us pages and try to think like a customer would do. What grabs your attention and kinda interests you? Make a list that you can go through even later and refresh your memory. Study your competitors’ approaches and pick the ones that you think would work best for you too. It’s hard to be super original all the time, but if you make something look tailor-made for you, your audience’s reaction would be positive and satisfying.

Put these advice to test by creating your Car Rental Website with the help or VEVS the Website Builder for your Business. Read more how to make your website trustworthy.

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